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          I admire My dad (Randall Goodman)

   My dad has not always been there for me, but when he is here, he treats me like i am worth being around. He makes me feel so special. My dad has been in and out of jail/prison through out my whole life, but when i am around him i feel inspired. Actually I can't really explain why i admire my dad because its like I have a admiring feeling when im around my dad. When my dad is not in jail/prison, he is always with me. I'm a daddys girl and we even have a song to show how we understand each other. Hes always trying to be the best dad he could ever be and thats why I i admire him. I also admire him because even though he he makes a lot of of mistakes, he always trys to make it up to me and that means a lot to me.

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